Our Lady of the Rosary Group

A group within the Dominican Province of Saint Martin De Porres 

and the Charlotte Lay Dominican Community

Catholic lay faithful embracing a journey of prayer, study, apostolate and community.

To Praise..

To Bless...

To Preach...

The Lay Dominicans are thriving in Charlotte, North Carolina.   The Our Lady of the Rosary Group is only the most recent development.  Newly formed and meeting at Saint Matthew Catholic Church, we pray together and study the depths of our Catholic faith so that we might share the fruits of our individual efforts as a community.   All in obedience to the Rule and Directory of the Lay Dominicans.

The Dominican Order is a Roman Catholic religious order, consisting of priests, nuns, sisters, and lay people. It is best known for its commitment to holistic education and the pursuit of truth (Veritas). Dominicans are preachers, meaning they spread the Gospel through words and actions.

Founder: Saint Dominic

Founded:  1215

Do you have a Dominican Charism?

The Dominican Pillars.....   Prayer, Study, Apostolate, Community

Our work....  To contemplate and share the fruits of that contemplation

What sets us apart


Given the Rosary by Mary


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